
G-6 Markaz Islamabad

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Rules And Regulations

Rules And Regulations

  • The House of Knowledge is a multinational, non-sectarian and non-political Institution, hence and sort of political, sectarian, religious and controversial discussions/activities are strictly prohibited to be carried out within the premises of the institution.
  • The Administration reserves its right to accept or reject any application for grant of admission without assigning any reason.
  • The class timings and levels decided at the time of admission both for the students/teachers can be changed by the Director of Studies at any time during the term in keeping with the administrative adjustments.
  • A course duration will be counted from the date commencement. If student remains absent without information his term will not be extended under any circumstances.
  • Student desirous of having private tuition should contact the administration for requisite arrangements.
  • A decision once taken by the administration shall be considered as final in all matters student charged with misconduct will be expelled immediately and debarred forever for readmission in The House of Knowledge.


After the commencement of a class, tuition and other fees once agreed and paid either for regular classes or for individual tuition, will neither be refunded under any circumstances nor it would be allowed to be transferred in favor of another student, even if the student leaves the class without completing the agreed period/course.